
Monday, March 12, 2012


There is a peace in the unbalance of stones at river bottom
Calm in the wind shifting
Tipping the body

Oh how I’d love
To recommit all my sins
In their raw sublime

You are the earth like everything before you
What you touched, you needed once
God called your name only once

There is a peace in reconciliation with what is
Calm in despair that is only
The shifting wind as it whispers.
© Michael Mahoney, 2012

Stones at River Bottom~Photo by Tony Russell

"Just Lyricz" This Thursday, March 15, 7 PM

Just Lyricz will be featuring another guest poet on Thursday, March 15th.  His name is Breeze Ilifethis Tha Poet and he's from Chesapeake, Virginia.  Here's one of his poems:
We'll likely pass the hat for him, and he'll have some CDs for sale.
As always, it's at Random Row Bookstore (315 W. Main Street) from 7 pm until 10 pm,  and the cost is $5.  In addition to our guest poet, of course, we’ll have our usual open mic, so bring your talent and share it with everyone!