
Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Social media has redefined 
self-worth in measures not
measured by internal notches, 
like a metronome for honest

heartbeats, but by accounting 
records of follows, friends 
and likes. Like a peeping 
Tech-Tom, follows allow 

watchng someone without 
being friends. Fairytale 
profiles can be shared in 
the virtual world of voyeurs, 

with no flirty foreshadow or 
live commentary. So friends 
can like and others can follow, 
faster than speed-dating, 

without ever sharing air – 
a form of anonymous intimacy, 
an efficient method of world 
involvement without time-

consuming, actual interaction. 
Audience selector and block 
features promote world peace 
by eliminating face-to-face 

confrontation or messy real-time 
improvisation. Controversial 
explanation is assassinated by 
the stealth computer. The profile 

picture’s executive producer
has final say over timeline, 
events, and groups so interior 
life stays an Internet away. 

Discomforts and disparities 
are censored with a click 
of the spam key. Reality becomes 
a manageable board game.  

           © Patsy Asuncion, 2016                         

Disaster survivor Amy Frogge uses social media to show her flooded home
Photo by David Fine/FEMA
from Wikimedia Commons


Monday, October 3, 2016


The mouse is dead.
I know this because my shoe,
And the foot it contains,
And all the weight of my body,
Now rest upon the rodent’s head.
Poor creature, his slowness and hunger,
And the poison I made available to him,
Drove him out of hiding,
Out into the middle of the room
Where a clumsy poet,  mind elsewhere,  with squinting eyes and uncertain step,
Squashed  him.
The odds of our unintended meeting are difficult to assess.
His  desperation is impossible to guess.

Looking with pity at calico  fur, motionless feet, 
Delicate whiskers, tiny eyes no longer sparkling,
I wonder who or what will step on me,

And when….

© George Phillips, 2016

Mouse, one month old
Picture uploaded by Roger McLassus
on Wikimedia Commons