
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Persist, Resist: 2019, Facing Evil

I will not cease from Mental Fight
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green & pleasant land.
-----Willian Blake
(To be human in a hurt world is to evolve from being a tear because aware to
being a wound seeking others hurt by terror to becoming ash yet we revive to in peace resist)

Once we were a walking teardrop
Though we shone while we thought.
Then we were a walking wound
Wound wooing other wounds
Wound aiding other wounds
Wound asking other wounds
"Are you truly a wound too?"
Now we are ashes moaning with memory--
Are ashes anything other than moans?
Yet love exists even in ashes
Love may persist even in ashes.
May the Phoenix be formed
Out of our ashes
Whose feathers flash through the air
Like Blakean blades!

      © Stephen Margulies, 2019

"The Garden of Love," by William Blake
from Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Queen of the Damned

I’m only going to say this once
While the god of doves
Sleeps behind a rusted-out Buick
While it’s rained from dawn till dusk

I pulled the bow back and settled
The arrow in the heart
Of the queen of the damned
Her minions rolled forward and vanished
Her black eyes closed

She left instructions for burial
In a far west mausoleum which followed
The arc of the setting sun
But I thought it best to leave her
For the dogs of the night

It rained from dawn till dusk
And then a crescent moon held Venus 
At the end Bonnie and Clyde were slaughtered
By Texas Rangers and Louisiana police
Twenty thousand attended

I made my way back to Manhattan
I made my way back to the city called home
I removed my boots and my clothing
And laid in a hot bath till the water turned cold
I stood and dried my bruised body

While the god of doves slept
While the queen of the damned attracted vultures
I put on a blue robe and lit a cigarette
Watching the crowded street
Through my sixty-seventh floor window

The phone rang
I let it
It stopped but then rang again
I got into bed and pulled the covers to my chin
And while the phone rang over and over
Fell asleep

© Phillip Marlin, 2019

Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow
Photo 1932 - 1934
Available through the Library of Congress
from Wikimedia Commons