
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Poems for Reyn

Oh fair maiden, 
holding secrets unknown,
tucking away the hurts
that caused the flaming outbursts 
that put you in this prison tower,
taking  your sense of self 
and any power 
you might have known 
if left alone, 
holding secrets unknown. 
Oh fair maiden, 
where have you gone?
With wings clipped 
you are not allowed 
to express fully
who you are. 
In your moments of passion, 
on the outer edge
of free spirited, 
THEY decide 
you need reining in, 
without even beginning 
to hear your side 
of the story. 
And so, 
locked down, 
you comply-- 
at least for a time 
of “oh well,”
and let it go. 
I sit 
on the outside 
and wonder how 
an opportunity 
for connectedness 
and creativity 
and goodness 
got lost, 
and wonder where 
the anger went. 
© Anne Cressin, 2011

Tower of London; photo from Wikipedia Commons, by CherryX

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Anne, this is a beauty and the last line is pure genius!
