
Monday, April 16, 2012

I Love You, Jona Noelle

faces are the road maps of our lives
just like hearts are the road maps to our minds

faces tell the True stories of our past
whispering secrets like winter frost on stained glass
barely touching the surface but completely covering it
bearing intimate knowledge and shamelessly showing it

faces tell tales of silent lips and screaming lies
of piercing panic and remorseful sighs
for we wear our wounds inside our eyes
inside our thoughts and minds
they come in many forms
from subtle comments to roaring sores
some are better at hiding them
most are good at denying them
some you can see, some you can’t see
but they are all the same to me

so where do I begin
writing a love poem
to someone I do not recognize
when my eyes
yearn to disappear
every time they meet the mirror

and even though I know
that what you see physically
is not me
only a mere reflection
just my soul cloaked in skin

I am ashamed of where my face leads the eyes of others
I feel exposed, read like an open book--ashamed of my cover
for the only thing that keeps me from loving myself
is the fear that my scars make me ugly and empty, a worthless, hollow shell
with nothing inside but shame and anger
with nothing to hide
but a red light loudly flashing “danger, danger”

so perhaps it is best
to begin my story like this
and give you a little glimpse
of my painful past
so that I may finally face my fears and cast
them Lovingly into the Light
so I may learn how to hold them without a fight

for surely true healing only happens
when I allow myself to feel these contractions
and work to release the pain and embrace
the purpose and meaning that outlines my face

and so I hope that as I share my story with you
you are held and comforted by it too
for there is something truly powerful about sharing a painful secret
because as you listen, it becomes a part of your story as you willingly keep it

and because words were what he used to beat me down
beat me numb with loud-manipulative sounds
that stunned and knocked me to the ground

I will use them now to build myself back up again
and reclaim these healing tools, the secret medicine that mends


every time I stare into my face
I see my spirit held in place
a hostage paralyzed inside my own skin—
the house my soul lives in

I cannot leave my skin
I could not leave him
I cannot leave these memories
as they unconsciously torment me, endlessly 

the scars on my face
remind me of a place
I dare not go back to
a place where my self-worth shattered
where my Voice didn’t matter
and all I could do
was breathe through
the attacks, arguments, and verbal assaults
as I desperately gathered my wounded words and thoughts

these lesions only remind me
of the violence that defined me
while I laid silent and still
allowing myself to be held against my will

for when I gaze into a mirror all I see
are signs of violence reflected back to me
deep seeded-memories
screaming to be seen
pleading for a plea
saying  “please,
stop being ashamed of me”

I don’t want you to look at my face
I want all signs of my pain erased
because I am ashamed of what you see
I am ashamed of what violence did to me
I am ashamed that I allowed it to happen
as you cocked your penetrating weapon
I am ashamed of my weakness when confronted by your confrontational words
I am ashamed of what you said…and what I heard
I am ashamed of how many times
I let you inside me
when my body screamed NO!
over and over…quietly
I am ashamed of how I can’t remember certain events
and how I let myself forget

see, I was blinded by my blindside
by my refusal to let go
even though I know
even Denial said I had tried

but when I feel-think of all the pain I went through with you
I think of all the pain you must have gone through too
to make you feel such a need to control
dominate another person, another soul
I think of how you didn’t have someone to heal with
how you weren’t held when you dearly needed it
I think of how your past melded into mine
how our pain melted into each other’s lives
and how it has taken me years to understand and embrace
that everything that happens in life has its place
and shows itself on my face

so before I start demonizing my skin
perhaps I should show a little compassion
for my situation and inclination
as a target of abusive-persuasion
so instead, I want to thank my skin
for being the loyal, Loving friend

that courageously protected me like faithful armor
that yes, left wounds, but I wear them with honor
because after years of being in countless battles
and always coming back disgraced and mangled
I finally decide to end this war within myself
and praise my skin, my holy-human shell


if Love is kindness and compassion
in the face of an unfeeling world
and the willingness to remain open
when others have closed their doors
then I will take each painful lesson as an opportunity for growth
and work to mend broken Hearts in the best way I know 

so, David, I love you
for all that you made me go through
for you taught me what Love isn’t so that I could learn what Love is
because I now understand what I didn’t, and am able to forgive

and so
I Love you, Jona Noelle
I Love your laugh and the joy that fills your eyes when surprised
I Love your childlike humor and innocence
your passion for change and forgiveness

but most of all, Jona Noelle
I Love your pain
and the tears you cried inside
and the scars you try to hide
I love your pain because it kept its promise to Heal you
it kept its promise to reveal to you
all the lessons you need
to become a whole (holy) human being 

for the Beauty that you seek lives inside
all that Pain you try to hide
Beauty dwells within painful experiences
and is where your inner-Power truly lives
so wear your Pain-Beauty gracefully
with honor and birthright dignity

I Love you, Jona Noelle
I love you more than you will ever know
I will hold you when you are alone
I will listen to you when you are afraid
I will kiss your tears to melt your sadness away
I will always believe in your ability to heal yourself
and will be there to reflect back to you the warm Radiant Love you know so well

I Love you, Jona Noelle
I love the mountains and valleys of your face
I love the intimate stories that your lips shape
I love the deep ocean of your eyes, the tears that you cry
the sunrise of your smile and the rosy-red fields of your skin 
I Love everything thing about you
because your Pain-Beauty gives me something to believe in

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