The day will come,
There'll come a time...
When we shall taste raspberry wine,
I'll pour a drink from the carafe
As we turn to share a secret laugh.
Someday will come when you are mine
And we will sip raspberry wine.
Into the fireplace our eyes will gaze,
Reminiscing life's tangled maze.
Though some will say that we're too old,
Our hearts will never become cold.
We'll be like petals falling down in May,
Drifting through each and every day.
Each time you brush aside my hair.
My face will be forever fair.
And life will be more than divine
As we sip raspberry wine.
And I will drink from your goblet,
And you, my love, will drink from mine.
© Shelly Sitzer, 2013
Raspberry port Photo by Jon Sullivan of PD Photo. org from Wikimedia Commons |
Just beautiful with a full rich body and a really good year! :)