
Monday, November 18, 2013

Pieces of My Soul

carelessly strewn about
life’s sticky kitchen floor
moments of distant glory
forgotten triumphs
hollow victories
paragraphs and chapters
of once-read pulp fiction
mismatched socks and dirty underwear
not very neatly folded away
into endless bottom drawers
haunting relics 
stacked in barely lit crawl spaces
and cobwebby corners of the psyche
refuse of the soul
shattered and scattered
pieces of then
nervously awaiting
some gentle caretaker’s
healing broom

© Bill Vollrath, 2013

Pulp fiction cover
from Wikimedia commons

1 comment:

  1. Excellent poem, Bill. Your work is tight, multi-layered, and thought-provoking in few words. Bravo, my friend.

    from Patsy Asuncion
