iron cuff eyes clinging to uniform
curtails weigh anchor on cruise line confusion.
confrontations of emotional upset commence once battleships sink.
ornamental gratitude decorates hungry hearts breathing
vitality suffocates in doberman demands.
Grass roots honesty spews forth from innocence,
strip lotus nectar from sticky cookie jar fists.
exhausted earth turned servant caves in to pastry cravings
contenders playing 18 questions
asked by kitten curiosity sequential numbers forgotten
as sunshine day dreamers wrap infant arms around poltergeist fathers.
plead Poseidon for safe return from salty coconut travels across the mango flavored ocean.
were i a dolphin, i would loose stranded sailors from deep sea grips
vengeance splits storm protected decks
were i a ship i would hold tight to the nails
hammer together the pieces of vessel i call family
i am instead a raging tidal wave come to crash upon splintered trust and unconditional love.
i am a treasure chest.
unleash your padlocked soul give charitably the wealth of your qi, your love, your fantasies...
please, captain, on this day... share with me
© Sarah Bordeau-Rigertink, 2013
The 'Great Western' riding a tidal wave Painting by Joseph Walter from Wikimedia Commons |
I'm forwarding this response from Stephen:
ReplyDelete"I am impressed by sarahs poem, very rich and provocative and much to language and associative thought..congrats from sm ps I agree with tony that one of the deilghts of the group is its variety..of people and poems Stephen m"