
Monday, February 10, 2014

If My Grief Were Liquid

If my grief were liquid, 
it would fill and flow 
in all of the channels of the Mother Waters.

It would fall as rain 
and there would be no drought.

It would bubble up
from the deepest springs,
being purified as it passes
through the layers of the earth.

It would tumble
from the tallest waterfalls
creating mists and rainbows
and swimming and bathing pools.

If my grief were liquid,
it would cleanse my Soul
and ease its pain and longing:
  the pain of separation - the longing for union
  the pain of loss - the longing for fulfillment
  the pain of not belonging - the longing for community
  the pain of not feeling at home - the longing for home
  the pain of not having children or brothers or sisters – the longing for family and a         

If my grief were liquid,
it would heal my fractured heart
and allow me to fill the longing for connection
  to the sacred core of my being
  to the goddess within
  to Nature and its diversity
  to the wild part of me
  to my passion.

If my grief were liquid,
it would allow me to
and to love again!

© Beverly Diane Harner, 2003

Waterfall near Flam, Norway
Photo from Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful poem. It puts a face on grief so that the one suffering can face it and understand how others have felt the same emotions.
