
Monday, April 28, 2014


Increasingly outnumbered by Tweeple
conversationalists are dwindling.
One friendapalooza can recruit 
hundreds instantly to the Twitosphere.
Just one of these twewbies can grab 
more by hosting a friendscrapping.
The Hivemind grows exponentially, 
forcing out the old social order.

Twitterflies have many followers, 
often becoming part of the twiterrati.
Despite twettiquette, there are 
bulltwits, drunktwitters, and trashtweeters.
Twaffic is jammed with 
tweetsults, mistweets, twitterage.
Twishing and twittworking can be 
dangerous, especially to neweeters.

Searching for twitterphoria and higher twitrank
tweeterboxes risk becoming tweetaholics
by speeding endless drive-thru-tweets, 
drive-by-tweets, retweets, and detweets.
Often twitterpated, some opt 
for twabstinence or InnerTwitter to recover.
Others, hungrier for twitterapps
seek BiggerTwitter and FollowersForSale.

In the name of twart, twitterature has flowered
Twaikus, poetweets, to novels in serial tweets. 
The tweet goes on, the tweet goes on.
Tweets keep going faster every day – 
La de da de de, la de da de da.
Tweets keep pounding a rhythm to the brain – 
La de da de de, la de da de da.
The tweet goes on, the tweet goes on.

© Patsy Asuncion

(Note: All of the italicized words do exist!  Published Spring 2013 in  The Truth About the Fact, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA)

Photo by Ed Brown
from Wikimedia Commons

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