
Sunday, September 28, 2014


Inspired by two young women 
who at less than half my age 
already understand and articulate 
twice as much wisdom and knowledge
of the heart, 
and how we are all connected – 
or not —
to our own pain 
and the pain of others, 
to our goodness 
and the goodness of others, 
to the spirit within 
and to and from and back 
to us. 
Inspired by two young women 
whose words of poetry 
flow like song, 
assuring me, 
and starting somehow 
the continuing process 
of my own healing.
Even at more than twice their age. 
I take still small steps 
and gently peek beyond 
the curtain of my soul, 
once again daring
to look deep 
and connect — with 
and others;
allowing my pain to be expressed, 
knowing the peace that comes
with letting go and opening up
to be 
inspired by God.

© Anne Cressin, 2014

Jona Noelle and Flora Lark
"The Fire Tigers"

Monday, September 8, 2014

Praise Song

I praise the West Wind that blows down off the mountain
Whipping up waves and currents
On our back yard lake.
I praise the Sun as he reflects and shimmers
Bright diamonds moving across the water.
I praise the weeping willow as she
Waves her hair wildly in the wind
While the perfume scents of the blooming trees     
And flowers waft our way.
I praise the Seasons – turning on the wheel of time –
Each becoming more precious the longer I walk
This earthly journey.
Though darkness gathers and day draws to a close,
I Thank the Sun setting in all his revelry and
Bless the promise of another sunrise yet to come.

© Diane Harner, 2014

Photo by NOAA from Wikimedia Commons

Monday, September 1, 2014

If Only They Knew

Who are we to think that we’re any more alive than the stars,
Who spend their days burning, exploding, screaming their innermost selves to one another across the mute emptiness of day to day void,
Livers of a continuous present,
Residents of an oceanic nothingness with the bigness to hold them, now and forevermore, face to face in an unyielding embrace,
Dancers of a billion years’ dance,
Runners of an eternal race,
Giving birth with their final act of death,
Legions of celestial mothers patrolling heavenly haunts?

And we, spectral sparks cast carelessly from the surface of our tumbling ember,
Have the audacity to name them.

© Axel Cooper, 2014

Van Gogh's The Starry Night
from Wikimedia Commons