
Sunday, September 28, 2014


Inspired by two young women 
who at less than half my age 
already understand and articulate 
twice as much wisdom and knowledge
of the heart, 
and how we are all connected – 
or not —
to our own pain 
and the pain of others, 
to our goodness 
and the goodness of others, 
to the spirit within 
and to and from and back 
to us. 
Inspired by two young women 
whose words of poetry 
flow like song, 
assuring me, 
and starting somehow 
the continuing process 
of my own healing.
Even at more than twice their age. 
I take still small steps 
and gently peek beyond 
the curtain of my soul, 
once again daring
to look deep 
and connect — with 
and others;
allowing my pain to be expressed, 
knowing the peace that comes
with letting go and opening up
to be 
inspired by God.

© Anne Cressin, 2014

Jona Noelle and Flora Lark
"The Fire Tigers"


  1. Beautiful poem by a beautiful poet about 2 beautiful young women. Love to all of you <3

  2. these two are two of the most toxic white women in charlottesville... ask them why they don't work at integral yoga anymore or the housemates who have had to ask them to leave the premises. if you are inspired by them, you are misguided.
