The wind and the night
The wind and the night and warped mirrors
The wind and the night
And abortion on the stairs
The wind and the night and hearts
That can no longer love
The wind and the night and nervous fingers
All we can say of desire and time
All we can say disinherits
And remembers
Song of rain
Song of false moons
Song of emptiness and terror
Song of the wind stirring lashes
Song of the wind and the night and dark lovers
All we can say of the sea and the sky
And stars that burn like thirst
All we can say of gardens and lost pleasures
All we can say distorts and destructs
Song of the wind and the night and lights
From lonely windows
Song of the wind slashing wrists
Song of stone and crumbling faces
Song of the wind and the night and hearts
That can no longer love
© Phillip Marlin, 2018
"Windy Night" scratchboard by Reene fromWikimedia Commons |
Quite a brilliant poem with beautful sounds in the words and repetitions and the huge surprise ending, with the image of the Song of the "wind slanshing wrists" that leads to "hearts that can no longer love". Wonderful!