Thursday, January 31, 2019


In nature calls
The waterfalls
And all befalls
The sound of liquid magic
Perishes in the fabric
In sheets of white velvet.
Trailing from blackened rock
Carrying all it brought
Of gold stone and sediment
Changing and eroding the land
Like a snake on parade
Making the ordinary grand
Pulverizing stone into sand.
In nature calls
The waterfalls
That perish in their liquid magic
In sheets of white velvet.

© Nicole Personette,  2019

Strickland Falls, Tasmania, Australia
Photo by JJ Harrison
from Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Those Letters Never Measure

Worldling, you are my confession—
I’d like to have a word with the man in the sea
when you sing your kyries don’t sing them at me
Dry throated dream, you test my patience
with your pageantry and your killing spree

I didn’t know how to speak
Your shadow swallows words like
snake jaws so immune to moderation
skin and stone, sit and roam
I’ve given the nod, please take me home
ohm mani padme ohm
Um mani padme um

Our Father, with heart of seven
hollow be thy shame
Thy kingdom won, 
thy will be, will be—
we’ll be old one day
What can you say to me then
that hasn’t already been said?

It’s been a year, 
I’ve folded myself into a sigil 
Those letters never measure
what matters meant to me
they busted lust in Boaz
and on the shores of Galilee
Working magic, bread and fish
even Jesus made a wish

And when the night grew tired
You stripped bare the sacred flaw
but your hair against the hearth-flame
was the most perfect sight of all
what little heart we muster
thunders on the deep
I hear it every morning
and before I go to sleep

© James Cole, 2019

Chaos magic sigils
by Rune370
from Wikimedia Commons

Monday, January 7, 2019


 There are sins I’d commit again
Even knowing what I do
About remorse and

Rules make more sense once you break them

The sound they make sliding out of the way
Is pleasure and breath
When I inhale them
They race my pulse
When I bend them enough 
to show what lies beyond the law
The boundaries between good and evil
Should and shouldn’t
Yes and No
May never have existed
And snap like a wishbone.

© Michelle Stoll, 2019

Photo by Tequask
from Wikimedia Commons