Monday, January 5, 2015

Sit Quietly and Take It In

When you sit quietly and allow yourself to hear your heart
Then your soul can come forth to comfort you
When you sit quietly and listen to the wind and feel the flowers
Then your soul takes on the contentment it begs for
When you sit quietly and view the vastness of the mountains
Then your soul can feel the presence of the Divine Creator
When you sit quietly and view the tiny creatures of the earth
Then your soul can feel deep into the soil of life
When you sit quietly and feel the flow of the wings above
Then your soul can step out and fly with a joy
When you sit quietly and feel the mist of the waves
Then your soul can be washed clean with a pureness
When you sit quietly and watch a deer slide gracefully in your path
Then  your soul can feel the gentle love of your Higher Power
When you sit quietly and feel the earth under your feet
Then your soul can plant itself solid in your temple
And you can write and write and write
To seek the contentment of your soul
And you can write and write and write
To find the answers that rumble inside to come out
And you can write and write and write
To know the joy of exploring what surrounds you
And you can write and write and write
To feel yourself on a healing path
That brings you to write and write and write
To know you are right with the world
And So It Is

© Hilda Ward, 2015

Photo by Tony Russell

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