Thursday, August 15, 2019


I’m watching a creature who watches a screen
a watchman who watches and knows what he’ll mean
when they ask and he tells, and he tells and they ask
about purpose that’s pickled in each daily task

And the music of quicksand like metal will melt
when the crucibles bellow the furies they felt 
They say it’s for knowledge, but knowing is cheap
I can know the whole world if I get enough sleep

A moron can learn all past works of the dead
and still in the present have shit in his head
To understand anything is to understand less
so damn all deductions and let’s make a guess
or profess our stupidity, straight and sincere
find clarity clearly in all that’s unclear

So, do I believe this? Eh, I don’t know
It could be that today is especially slow
I oft throw off caution and except what I mean
when I’m watching a creature who’s watching a screen

© James Cole, 2019

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